What do you need to strengthen the relationship with your children? Is it to develop more patience, spend more time, etc. Maat represents the enegry of balance in the universe that has been a part of African culture since the beginning of time. Often when one thinks of Maat, the 42 Laws come to mind, however there are also 7 principles of Maat that have served as simple guidelines for living a life of peace.
The Principles of Maat can help parents to create a platform to change their thoughts about what the whole child needs. Living these traditional and attainable principles strengthens the parent/child relationship and facilitates the unconditional bond of support.
Have the intentions to be a cultivating protector of life.
Truth will be crucial in the development of the child, know the truth to be taught at every stage of development.
With a mind of giving unconditionally, put all positive energies into everything that is spoken to, made for and intended for the child.
All good things will manifest back to the family and the world.
Maintain a healthy diet to ensure the optimal health and development of the child.
Lead by example.
When the parents take on the role of proliferators it is important for the community to see and know that the development of all aspects of the child is taking place.
Exercise patience in the development and training of the child.
Space children apart so that each will have the full attention of the family for their formative years.
Time comes for all things to be born, grow and transition to the next realm of existence, be mindful of the time for rites of passage in the child’s life and be prepared to guide.
Teach the laws of the creator, the laws of the land and their divine relationship with both so that their experiences are aligned with creative intention.
Balance in everything.
Teach the relationship of the creator and the created, the relationship between man and nature, and the relationship between man and man.
Encourage mutual respect for all life.
-taken from Natural Health and Wellness: The Consultant Manual by K. Akua Gray
Here at A Life Of Peace, we are dedicating this year to uplifting families with minor children to help create cycles of love and care that elevate the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well being of all of our children. Stay tuned each month for tips, tokens of knowledge, activities and a wealth of information that will make you a better parent, grandparent, teacher and child care provider. It is time to break the cycles of post traumatic experiences and begin living as divine vessels of powerful love!
Dr. Akua Gray and A Life Of Peace Wellness Institute Family.
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