Sunday, December 7, 2014

Self Assessment: Blood Pressure

Have you visited the doctor lately? If so, the nurse took your blood pressure. right? If your blood pressure was out of the normal range, the doctor probable took a few seconds to tell you it was low or high and you were probably prescribed some chemical medications to offset the imbalance. The thing that's missing in this picture is what your blood pressure numbers really mean.

From a Naturopathic point of view your blood pressure and its numbers reveal a lot about your current health.

Blood pressure readings are done with three important numbers. The top number is the systolic represents how much pressure it take for your heart to pump the blood through your arteries. The bottom number, the diastolic represents how much pressure is present when the heart is at rest. The pulse indicates if the organs are receiving enough blood pressure flow for their full function.

The high and low conclusions that most allopathic doctors give in blood pressure reading is very vague and uninformative. If you were to visit a Naturopath you would receive a blood pressure screening that involves an explanation of what the combination of numbers mean in terms of the conditions of your organs, biochemistry, disease tendencies and affects of any pH imbalances.

For example, a blood pressure of 145/95 with a pulse of 65 would be an indication of an acid imbalance, electrolyte imbalance, cardiovascular stress and kidney stress. Blood pressure is not just about acquiring the imbalance and rapidly progressing through the chain of chemical medications until the organs fail. Blood pressure is a part of the body's alarm system to make you aware that the body may be working too hard to maintain its homeostasis and needs to be "reset".

Naturopaths have the means to take their time with clients and explain findings in a way that provides personalized care. Visit your local Naturopath today if you know you have questions about your blood pressure or if you need to hit that reset button!

- Dr. Akua Gray, ND
      December 7, 2014  
Houston, TX     

Natural Health and Wellness Consultant Online Certification
Naturopathic Herbalist Certification - Self Paced Program
Naturopathic Clinician Training - Houston, New York, Ghana

Friday, November 14, 2014

Self Assessment: Urine Analysis

If you want to know how your internal organs are doing, there's a very simple test that can tell you if your are experiencing any imbalances based on the biochemical content of your urine. The urine of the body is not only linked to the kidneys and bladder, but it is a doorway to gauging the health of the liver, pancreas, intestines, immune system, gall bladder, pH and blood.

There are several types of urine analysis (UA) that are available over the counter (OTC) however the most popular version that is used by hospitals, clinics, diagnostic labs, and naturopaths is the 10 SG (specific gravity) test. With a small sample of your urine this test reads the body's glucose, ketones, specific gravity, abnormal blood content in the urine, pH, abnormal protein presence, urobiligin, nitrates and leukocytes. This vital information gives you the ability to know when imbalances occur. It is also a guide for the actions needed to maintain your health.

You can find the multix 10 SG in a variety of brands and they are available OTC at your local independent pharmacies in the diabetes testing supplies. Local independent diagnostic labs also provide this type of test for as little as $29. Most times when you visit your medical doctor or Nautropath, this UA is the standard test that is done when you are asked to give a urine sample.

Taking control of your health and well being means gaining the knowledge necessary to be able to assess your overall health and identify imbalances before they become a sickness or disease.

A Life Of Peace Wellness Institute offers certifications in Naturopathy that teaches profiency in these self assessment skills for individual and family health or for a professional career in Naturopathy, Herbalism or as a Naturropathic Clinician. Visit our website for more information.

- Dr. Akua Gray, ND
     November 14, 2014
Houston, TX     

Natural Health and Wellness Consultant Online Certification
Naturopathic Herbalist Certification - Self Paced Program
Naturopathic Clinician Training - Houston, New York, Ghana

Friday, October 31, 2014

Self Assessment: pH Testing

Self pH (potential for Hydrogen) Testing has become very popular among those that want to maintain a good level of health. In the world of wellness it is common knowledge that disease and acid go hand in hand. Therefore it has been a quest of Wellness Wise Ones to maintain a natural foods eating lifestyle that is balanced with 80% alkaline and 20% acid intake.

When the pH levels of the body become imbalanced either way, too alkaline or too acid, it can cause stress and disease to the organs. Having this knowledge to improve your health is one of the main reasons pH testing has become so important and popular.

However, most people are taught only half of what is really needed to assess the overall pH of the body. Most people have been taught in their casual health talks and conversations that you can check the pH of the body through just testing the saliva with a strip from your local pharmacy. While yes, you can find out the pH level of your saliva this way, it does not give you the overall  body pH. It is the overall body pH that will let you know whether you are really ACID/ALKALINE.

In order to find the overall body pH it requires the pH testing of both the saliva and the urine. These two readings are necessary because the fluid of the saliva and urine provide a direct link to the overall nutrient level of the endocrine and digestive system functions. Once the pH of the urine and the saliva are read, there is a mathematical formula that is used by naturopaths to determine the overall potential for hydrogen of the body. then it can be decided whether a person needs to increase the intake of either more acid or alkaline foods and beverages, or if the body is in a neutral state and functioning well in it's nutrient absorption and nutrient dissemination.

If you would like to make pH Testing a part of your wellness regimen it is recommended that you learn the initial techniques from your local qualified Naturopath.

- Dr. Akua Gray, ND
  October 31, 2014 
Houston, TX          

Natural Health and Wellness Consultant Online Certification
Naturopathic Herbalist Certification - Self Paced Program
Naturopathic Clinician Training - Houston, New York, Ghana

Monday, September 1, 2014

Self Assessment: Tongue Analysis

Figure 1
taken from
Ayurveda: The Science of Healing
by Dr. Vasant Lad
Stick out your tongue, ok don't hold it out to long, just long enough to get a good look at the texture, color and whether it has any significant bumps or lesion like appearances. The tongue like the face and other areas of the body that are relative to organ reflex points can be a good indicator that the body is in need of attention.

When it comes to the texture of the tongue, projections can indicate discharge of fat, protein, or excessive sugar in the body system. The different colors of the tongue can also tell you when there are imbalances present: dark red could be inflammation, white could be fat and mucus deposits, yellow could be liver or gallbladder stress and purple could indicate poor blood circulation in the organs relative to the place on the tongue where these inconsistencies are found. Bumps and lesions that are very pronounced or cause pain are also areas of concern.

The tongue is one of those organs that is not given very attention however taking time to observe changes in the tongue is a good way to monitor your personal health and the health of your family. The natural health science of Ayurveda has taken tongue analysis to a level of understanding that empowers the individual to focus on self care with confidence. If you find areas of concern, it is suggested to seek additional assessment from your preferred health care provider or local Naturopath.

- Dr. Akua Gray, ND
  September 1, 2014 
Houston, TX          

Natural Health and Wellness Consultant Online Certification
Naturopathic Herbalist Certification - Self Paced Program
Naturopathic Clinician Training - Houston, New York, Ghana

Monday, August 18, 2014

Self Assessment: Tooth Analysis

Each tooth tells a story about your health. The interconnectedness of the body systems is a part of what makes you such amazing creation. The teeth are relative to certain nerve ending in the central nervous system along the spine, they also house nerve endings that are linked to the internal organs and extremities of the body.

Inconsistencies and indicators that show up in the teeth can include cavities, discoloration, broken teeth, sensitive teeth, missing teeth or any issue with a tooth other than a completely healthy state. Depending on the tooth that is affected, this will pinpoint specific areas of the body that are either susceptible to disease or has an inherent weakness based on your genetic make up.

For example if you have a cavity that developed in tooth number 15 this area is relative to issues that may occur in the stomach, pancreas, jaw, sinuses, the front of the knee, the parathyroid and the mammary gland. Think about it, when you were eating that candy, all your teeth got the sugar, but why in particular did #15 develop the cavity? Inherent weakness. When we look at the teeth as an indicator of health we are dealing with what we term in naturopathy as disease tendency. This means that although specific symptoms or degenerations have not occurred, because there is a noted inherent weakness based on the body's response to the environment, there is a possibility that one can experience difficulty in this area of health if precautions are not taken such as living a healthy lifestyle.

A tooth analysis is best done by an experienced naturopath however to get an overview of your inherent weaknesses first learn to count your teeth to identify which ones have indicators.  Use the tooth analysis chart to gain insight on the areas of your body to be aware of to maintain good health. Visit your local Natural Health and Wellness Consultant or A Life Of Peace Wellness Institute to schedule an appointment.

- Dr. Akua Gray, ND
August 18, 2014    
Houston, TX          

Natural Health and Wellness Consultant Online Certification
Naturopathic Herbalist Certification
Naturopathic Clinician Training - Houston, New York, Ghana

Friday, August 15, 2014

Self Assessment: Facial Analysis

What does your face say about your health? Do you have puffy bags underneath the eyes? Pimples and dark patches on your cheeks? A dark straight line across the bridge of your nose? Crow's feet? Or ladies, is the center space above the lip right underneath your nose crooked or displaced? All of these are signs and indicators that the body uses to communicate stress.

Like reflexology points, the face has areas of concentrated nerve endings that are relative to particular organs, areas and systems of the body. The upper part of the face forehead are is relative to the nervous system. The mid section of the face from the eyebrows down to the mid jaw line underneath the nose is relative to the respiratory and circulatory systems in which specific indicators can denote liver, kidney, lung, spleen, heart, stomach and gall bladder stresses. The lower part of the face surrounding the mouth and chin indicates stress in the reproductive and digestive systems. 

A self facial analysis is a simple first warning reader that the body is in need of healing. If you start to notice changes in the contour and color of your face or areas of the face begin to have unusual puffiness or hardness, it's time to see a naturopath or naturopathic physician who is able to help you identify these areas of stress to assist with the prevention of the development of disease. 

Living a healthy lifestyle is not difficult when you are dedicated to living well and living long. Know one know your body better than you and learning to listen to and read your Self is the first step to good health!

- Dr. Akua Gray, ND
August 15, 2014    
Houston, TX          

Natural Health and Wellness Consultant Online Certification
Naturopathic Herbalist Certification
Naturopathic Clinician Training - Houston, New York, Ghana