Thursday, December 12, 2019

Living in Ghana in the Winter

 Every year sometime in October I pack up a couple of suitcases and store my summer clothes in the closet and jump on a plane to the Motherland, Ghana to be exact. This has been an annual for me for the past 10 years. I am often asked Dr. Akua how is it living in Ghana and my answer is always, "It is sooo peaceful."

When Dr. Chenu and I started this repatriation journey we knew we wanted to be by the sea and we wanted a quiet area with fresh air and enough land to grow an organic garden and fruit tree orchard. When we found the perfect spot we called it Divine Life Sanctuary. We also knew that we wanted to share this little piece of paradise with those who wanted to experience nature in all her peaceful ways.Quite a few wonderful guests have come through over the years and we have been enriched by each one. Our doors are always open.

The first thing about Ghana in the winter is the warm weather, about 85 degrees everyday and 70's at night with a cool ocean breeze. The second thing I love about Ghana in the winter is being able to eat fresh from the garden and orchard about 90% of the food that we eat. Third is the peacefulness of the river as it rises and falls with the tide of the ocean that is just on the other side of the sand dune. Last but not least is the beauty of a mono-culture. Being in the midst of nature also leaves ample time for meditation, exercise, yard work, and volunteering in our local village schools and clinics. It's another side of life completely different from the way we live in the US. 

If you have ever wanted to just go and live somewhere else in the world to really feel at peace in life even if for a moment in the winter, my encouragement to you is do it. I have found the same peace on extended stays in Belize, The Bahamas, Israel and Egypt. Nature is waiting for you to open yourself to experience her as a part of you. See her myriad of creations as an extension of yourself and find peace in being surrounded by your natural self. Reconnecting with nature will open a world of love and acceptance that links directly to your compassion for life. She gives so freely and only ask to be cultivated for nurturing and preservation. 

Live everyday like you know who you are. Divine!

Peace and blessings,
Dr. Akua
December 12, 2019
Central Region, Ghana

About the Author: Dr. Akua Gray, ND is the author of numerous books on wellness, naturopathy and vegan nutrition. Her latest series of education manuals include Naturopathic Reiki Volumes 1, 2 and 3 and Detox Therapy: Detoxing Should Feel Good Too are available  through or Amazon. She is currently the primary curriculum developer for A Life Of Peace Wellness Education Institute and teaches an annual series of Naturopathic courses online and in person. Visit

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Naturopathic Pediatrics Series: Wellness Therapies for Children

Touch is a divine sensation that stimulates endorphins and builds healthy cells in every part of the body. Children always want to remain close to their parents when they are young because both energy and physical connection provides comfort, security and positive nourishment.

The following 10 wellness therapies are the most beneficial for the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual nourishment for our beautiful little ones.

1. Hugs Yes that is the #1 therapy that nurtures the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual faculties. Hugs are full body/mind stimulators that enhance overall well being. Naturopaths recommend you hug your child at least 3 times a day. I say hug them anytime you think about it.

2. Baths The soothing nature of water calms the natural anxiousness of little ones after a long day of play and learning. Although quick showers have become the norm today, submerging the body in water for deep cleansing and hydration is the way nature intended. Especially if you have a little one that doesn't drink enough water during the day, the body will absorb through the integumentary system hydrogen and oxygenn that it needs. Children should have bath time at least 3 times a week.

3. Music The sound vibrations in music can set the tone for a calm disposition in a child. Music helps to stimulate the function of the organs, which is great for growing children. High tones stimulate the nervous system, mid tones stimulate the internal organs, and low tones stimulate the lower part of the body, intestines, legs and feet.

4. Reiki as an energy vibration therapy is done with very gentle touch that provides a moment of relaxation, healing, and cellular regeneration. Your loving hands are placed a light as a butterflies touch on the little one with the intention of sending them positive energy of love, good health and peace. If you would like to be certified in Reiki you are welcome to join one of ALOP many free community Naturopathic Reiki classes held in a city near you or online throughout the year.

5. Massage, like hugs, is a favorite for most little ones. Simple rubbing of the back, arms and legs with an aromatic shea butter or oil is excellent for evening unwind or a morning gratitude session. My granddaughter has received massage all her life and now at five she's giving therapy massage to my back and shoulders and to her Big Baba's feet some nights before bed! As they say children live what they learn.

6. Reflexology This touch therapy works great for full body stimulation if you can get past ticklish feet! The nerve endings in the feet correlate with the upper, middle, and lower sections of the body and stimulate the flow of energy to the brain, the internal organs, and the external parts of the body. This is the therapy of choice for children with autism.

7. Yoga Moving the arms and legs of infants in daily yoga stretches and doing a weekly yoga routine with small children helps them to learn the importance of moving the body for health at an early age. 

8. Crystal Therapy can be administered as an elixir. Children can wear crystals as a braclet, earrings, anklet, or necklace. They can sleep with them under their pillow, hold them during meditation or put them in the water during bath time. When choosing a crystal for your child, tumbled crystals are best because it is less likely to release any small pieces. To learn  more about crystals, CLICK HERE

9. Chakra Therapy If your little one experiences frustrations, stress or excessive emotional upheavals, chakra therapy may be a good way to help balance their energy for everyday living. Stimulating the energy flow in the chakras can be done through foods, activities, colors, meditations, and more. If you are not familiar with Chakra Therapy you are welcome to download my ebook on Chakra Therapy at 

10. Pranic Healing is a skill to learn through a level 1 course. It is a technique that allows you to monitor the health of your child and provide an energy therapy that is noninvasive, gentle and very effective in balancing the body, mind and spirit. 

Remember to love and care for your babies with all you have. They grow up so fast!

Light and love,
Dr. Akua
May 8, 2019
Nassau, Bahamas

About the Author: Dr. Akua Gray, ND is the author of numerous books on wellness, naturopathy and vegan nutrition. Her latest series of education manuals include Naturopathic Reiki Volumes 1, 2 and 3 and Detox Therapy: Detoxing Should Feel Good Too are available through or Amazon. She is currently the primary curriculum developer for A Life Of Peace Wellness Education Institute and teaches an annual series of Naturopathic courses online and in person. Visit

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Naturopathic Pediatrics Series: Holistic Baby Care

Caring for a newborn infant takes time and detailed specifics. Ideally the whole immediate family will participate in the care and nurturing of the baby to create a balance of energy and support for both mother and child. The key focus areas in naturopathic infant care provide a formula to grow healthy children that are physically strong, mentally positive, emotionally secure and spiritually progressive. There is no certain time to introduce infants to the holistic way of living, as they grow it would be ideal if that is the way of life that is taught to them from the very beginning."  

Feeding and Nutrition
When babies emerge from the womb if given the opportunity the very first thing they do is feed and establish a latch to the mother’s breast. Even if the mother is not 100% healthy, her body can still produce the antibodies needed for the baby to begi n proper growth and disease fighting agents. This involuntary response only requires that mother be willing to make the breast available. In the nursing stages, healthy mothers are able to breastfeed until the baby voluntarily weans, which take place between one and five years old. When mothers are lactating the following should be considered for holistic health: 
A. No detox therapy during lactation.
B. Avoid these herbs that may have an effect on milk flow and baby’s system like aloe, basil,  comfrey, garlic, parsley, sage, tobacco and thyme.
C. Relaxation and hydration therapies are best during breastfeeding.

Steps to Transitioning  an Infant to Solid Foods
a. Choose raw single fruits and vegetables that are naturally soft and easy to swallow. 
b. Prepare foods by smashing or blending.
c. Do not use seasonings: salt, sugar, honey, etc.
d. Monitor child for 24 hours for reactions with the introduction of each food. 
e. Train the child to drink 30 minutes to an hour after solid meals.
f. When introducing staple or starchy foods use foods that are non-constipating, rice, oats, sweet potato, spelt, plantain, etc. Avoid potato, yam, pasta, white bread and all types of meats.
g. When introducing cooked foods make sure the child is old enough, with teeth, to chew properly.

Children learn their eating habits from their surroundings. Provide an example of good and balanced eating to the child so that they have a clear understanding of what it is to have proper nutrition. A diet of live vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans and legumes is especially important for growing and developing children. Sugar, dairy, animal fats and excessively salty foods break down the body’s immune system and sets up the foundation for a life of disease and discomfort. Eliminate dairy products, chocolate, sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and wheat. Include dietary supplements like spirulina and lecithin.

Bonding for Your Baby
Creating the necessary bond for the infant and family is the source of the security needed to grow up strong and healthy. Infants should never be left to feel afraid, painful or insecure. The primary bonding takes place with the mother and it is vital that she submits herself to the unconditional presence that is needed for complete security. The presence of other relatives is also important as the infant grows into their environment to become a fully functioning member of the family. Holistically there is no such thing as spoiling a child. Because this world is new, strange and overwhelming on most levels to an infant, their need to be close to the familiar actually builds up their confidence to explore their world at a pace that does not create fear. Parents are encouraged to keep their baby close to them, to consistently touch them with positive loving snuggles, and always be available. Children who are neglected in this way develop a cold nature and often have social and family issues as they grow older. One of the most enduring ways of creating that security is what is popularly known as “baby wear.” 

Physical Deveopment
The holistic physical care of an infant is centered on stabilizing the environment to prevent disease and injury. This is another reason why infants should remain in close proximity to their primary care providers. Everything intended for the infant should be clean, functional and age appropriate. Knowing physical development markers are also important. For example, at one month a healthy baby can lift their head, maintain face to face contact, can follow a large object, will respond to familiar voices such as the father’s voice, laughs, smiles and react to sounds. In the final stages of infancy, from seven to twelve months, babies will sit without support, begin to crawl, pull up to stand and walk holding on to something, excel in hand eye coordination, speech will begin to develop with words like mama, dada, bye-bye, hot, uh oh, along with gibberish “conversations,” pointing, grasping objects, clapping hands, waves goodbye, and passes objects from hand to hand. 

Engaging in age appropriate physical activity with the child can help ensure these markers are a part of the child’s development. Parents should be encouraged to constantly interact with their child through physical manipulation, verbal encouragement, and be a good example of how to act. Most parents are naturals at this, but just in case a few techniques are needed review the following:
1. Daily full body massage after each bath
2. Reflexology on the hands and feet
3. Sitting the child up in the lap
4. Exercising arms and legs
5. Talk to the baby about everything so they hear voice and language
6. Infants should go outside for sun exposure daily to play ball or just take a brief walk

Mental Development
Assisting an infant in developing their mental skills begins immediately after birth. Helping them adapt to the world should be accomplished with loving care, patience and a constant flow of mental stimulation that feeds the rapidly growing brain cells. Mental development includes attention, creativity, concentration, identifying, imagination, memory, perception, and speech. 

Emotional Development
In the early stages of caring for an infant it is common for there to be an outpour of love to the new arrival, however as time moves along and the tasks involved in caring for the infant become more evident to the family, sometimes it can bring about stress that an unprepared family has a hard time dealing with. The goal for emotional development in the first year of life is to establish security and a peaceful existence. Some techniques to nurture the infant emotionally include:

Always speak softly
Always touch softly                    
Always respond quickly
Maintain closeness                
Give lots of hugs and kisses       
Always make eye contact
Immediately sooth anxiety
Avoid negative interactions around the baby
It’s ok to hold the baby all the time

These gestures of love and bonding will eliminate a fussy baby, create a happy infant that trusts and gives them the security to be unafraid of the world around them.

Spiritual Development
The spiritual development of an infant is simple. Surround them with positive energy. Live a balanced life or a life of good character as a reservoir of strength. Infants can be a part of the parent’s spiritual routines as well. Pray and meditate while holding the baby, attend a baby and parent yoga class, take the baby out into nature and allow them to learn about their connection to the earth, basically the baby can participate in everything that the parents do to consistently nurture their spiritual health. 

Remember to love and care for your babies with all you have. They grow up so fast!

Light and love,
Dr. Akua
March 19, 2019
Cape Coast, Ghana

About the Author: Dr. Akua Gray, ND is the author of numerous books on wellness, naturopathy and vegan nutrition. Her latest series of education manuals include Naturopathic Reiki Volumes 1, 2 and 3 and Detox Therapy: Detoxing Should Feel Good Too are available through or Amazon. She is currently the primary curriculum developer for A Life Of Peace Wellness Education Institute and teaches an annual series of Naturopathic courses online and in person. Visit 

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Parenting Principles of Maat

Do you need some new rules for parenting. A colleague of mine recently said the single parents and children from single parent homes need healing. I would also add that even some children and parents in two parent households need healing too.

What do you need to strengthen the relationship with your children?  Is it to develop more patience, spend more time, etc. Maat represents the enegry of balance in the universe that has been a part of African culture since the beginning of time. Often when one thinks of Maat, the 42 Laws come to mind, however there are also 7 principles of Maat that have served as simple guidelines for living a life of peace.

The Principles of Maat can help parents to create a platform to change their thoughts about what the whole child needs. Living these traditional and attainable principles strengthens the parent/child relationship and facilitates the unconditional bond of support.

Have the intentions to be a cultivating protector of life.
Truth will be crucial in the development of the child, know the truth to be taught at every stage of development.  

With a mind of giving unconditionally, put all positive energies into everything that is spoken to, made for and intended for the child.
All good things will manifest back to the family and the world. 
Maintain a healthy diet to ensure the optimal health and development of the child.

Lead by example.
When the parents take on the role of proliferators it is important for the community to see and know that the development of all aspects of the child is taking place. 

Exercise patience in the development and training of the child.
Space children apart so that each will have the full attention of the family for their formative years.

Time comes for all things to be born, grow and transition to the next realm of existence, be mindful of the time for rites of passage in the child’s life and be prepared to guide.

Teach the laws of the creator, the laws of the land and their divine relationship with both so that their experiences are aligned with creative intention.
Balance in everything.

Teach the relationship of the creator and the created, the relationship between man and nature, and the relationship between man and man.
Encourage mutual respect for all life. 

Here at A Life Of Peace, we are dedicating this year to uplifting families with minor children to help create cycles of love and care that elevate the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well being of all of our children.  Stay tuned each month for tips, tokens of knowledge, activities and a wealth of information that will make you a better parent, grandparent, teacher and child care provider. It is time to break the cycles of post traumatic experiences and begin living as divine vessels of powerful love! 

Dr. Akua Gray and A Life Of Peace Wellness Institute Family.