When Dr. Chenu and I started this repatriation journey we knew we wanted to be by the sea and we wanted a quiet area with fresh air and enough land to grow an organic garden and fruit tree orchard. When we found the perfect spot we called it Divine Life Sanctuary. We also knew that we wanted to share this little piece of paradise with those who wanted to experience nature in all her peaceful ways.Quite a few wonderful guests have come through over the years and we have been enriched by each one. Our doors are always open.
The first thing about Ghana in the winter is the warm weather, about 85 degrees everyday and 70's at night with a cool ocean breeze. The second thing I love about Ghana in the winter is being able to eat fresh from the garden and orchard about 90% of the food that we eat. Third is the peacefulness of the river as it rises and falls with the tide of the ocean that is just on the other side of the sand dune. Last but not least is the beauty of a mono-culture. Being in the midst of nature also leaves ample time for meditation, exercise, yard work, and volunteering in our local village schools and clinics. It's another side of life completely different from the way we live in the US.
If you have ever wanted to just go and live somewhere else in the world to really feel at peace in life even if for a moment in the winter, my encouragement to you is do it. I have found the same peace on extended stays in Belize, The Bahamas, Israel and Egypt. Nature is waiting for you to open yourself to experience her as a part of you. See her myriad of creations as an extension of yourself and find peace in being surrounded by your natural self. Reconnecting with nature will open a world of love and acceptance that links directly to your compassion for life. She gives so freely and only ask to be cultivated for nurturing and preservation.
Live everyday like you know who you are. Divine!
Peace and blessings,
Dr. Akua
December 12, 2019
Central Region, Ghana
About the Author: Dr. Akua Gray, ND is the author of numerous books on wellness, naturopathy and vegan nutrition. Her latest series of education manuals include Naturopathic Reiki Volumes 1, 2 and 3 and Detox Therapy: Detoxing Should Feel Good Too are available through www.alop-store.com or Amazon. She is currently the primary curriculum developer for A Life Of Peace Wellness Education Institute and teaches an annual series of Naturopathic courses online and in person. Visit www.alifeofpeace.org